&&&&& & &&&

&&&&& & &&& deals with both science and fiction. Two performers are playing Purcell with artificial plants, toying around with artisanal devices and doing idiotic little language-dances to explain logical problems. What’s the point of going on a spaceship to colonize the universe if you’re going to die trying, and if only your grand-grand-grand- child might see something else than the neon-lit ship ? Both grave and furiously idiotic, this show could have been dreamt up by a nine- year-old Bill Gates for his mother’s birthday party.
& is the “frontal show” version of &&&&& & &&&. It exploits the same materials, only in a linear arrangement, and attempts to ask the same questions by making good use of some well oiled logistics, such as a beginning and an end. The performance lasts 50 min instead of 3 hours. On stage, two performers are playing Purcell with artificial plants, toying around with artisanal devices and doing idiotic little language-dances to explain logical problems. What’s the point of going on a spaceship to colonise the universe if you’re going to die trying, and if only your grand-grand-grand- child might see something else than the neon-lit ship?
Those two seminal pieces toured extensively in Europe from 2008 to 2013 are currently not touring.